Computer Management Snapin Launcher Has Stopped Working Windows 7
Microsoft Management Console stops working when I add. Apple mac os x 10.4 tiger. Is computer Management working? I also got the MMC Has Stopped Working popup when adding the. (If you don't have access to a working computer, create a virtual machine.) In the problematic computer, use regedit to backup SnapIns, then delete it; Import the exported.reg file to your problematic computer's registry (double-click on it is usually enough, otherwise use File / Import in regedit).
Install microsoft office. I get the standard error dialog saying that 'The Management Console has stopped work. MMC console stopped working on Windows 7. Theoretical Computer Science. 7 Ways to Open Computer Management in Windows 10. The article introduces seven methods to open Computer Management on Windows 10 computer for your option. Video guide on how to open Computer Management in Windows 10. Windows 7 has a hard coded white list for auto elevation. This includes more than 60 windows executables and most all the MSC's that ship with Windows or come from MIcrosoft, like the AD tools for Server 2008.
I have Windows 7 Ultimate OS. I'm opening mmc.exe as administrator and trying add Certificates or any other snap-in, then while loading that snap-in MMC breaks and displays following message and after that it closes automatically once I click on close button on that message. What could be the problem? I did following to fix the problem but couldn't succeed any of these: • I tried to repair the OS • I repaired files using this • Even repaired the installation using this Edit: I've even tried to rename or delete the MMC.exe file and couldn't succeed because it says I need authorization from TrustedInstaller to do those operations.
In order to avoid this I've even followed instructions in this but still it doesn't allow me to delete and now it says you need to have authorization from the user who is owner of the file, but interesting thing is that owner is logged in user only but still it asks for authorization from same user. Update: @oldskool: Here is the debug process output: Sorry its a long output text. Questions first: • Can you find anything special in the Event Log? • Is computer Management working? • Is it possible that some software installation has added a defective MMC add-on? A couple of ideas for this really weird problem: • If you have a system restore point dating from before the problem occurred, you might restore back to it. • Install or reinstall the latest Microsoft.Net Framework 4.
EDIT A method for fixing the problem was suggested in: On the assumption that the part of your registry that deals with MMC snap-ins is corrupted, this method copies that registry part from a working computer (should have a similar setup to the problematic computer). • The registry key where the MMC snap-ins are situated is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft MMC SnapIns • In the working computer, use regedit to export SnapIns with all its sub-keys as a.reg file. (If you don't have access to a working computer, create a virtual machine.) • In the problematic computer, use regedit to backup SnapIns, then delete it • Import the exported.reg file to your problematic computer's registry (double-click on it is usually enough, otherwise use File / Import in regedit). I would also suggest as a precaution to create a system restore point before trying this method.
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