Electro Voice Serial Numbers

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Electro-Voice Founded 1930 Founders Lou Burroughs, Albert R. Kahn Headquarters, Products Pro audio, microphones, speakers, sound equipment Owner () Website www.electrovoice.com Electro-Voice (commonly referred to as EV) is an American manufacturer of equipment, including,, and, focused on applications such as and consumer electronics such as. As a subdivision of Inc. Since February 1998, Electro-Voice markets products for use by consumers as well as small or large concert venues, broadcasting, houses of worship, and in retail situations. Electro-Voice 'Century', model 915. On September 1, 1927, Lou Burroughs and Albert R. Kahn began a small business called Radio Engineers, servicing in the basement of the Century Tire and Rubber Company in.

Because of the, according to Kahn, “We found ourselves insolvent to the extent of $5,000 ($73,247 today). They decided to focus their business on audio products. The company designed a for Notre Dame football coach.

Electro-Voice RE-20. I dont see a serial number anywhere though. Welcome to the Gearslutz Pro Audio Community!

Electro voice parts

Apc smart ups 2200 visio stencil download building. Rockne, who had difficulty being heard at football practices due to health problems that affected his voice, called the new PA system his 'electric voice'. Sigma guitars serial numbers. Rockne's remark inspired the company's name. On June 1, 1930, Burroughs and Kahn incorporated under the name 'Electro-Voice'. The partners recognized an opportunity to capitalize on what they perceived as the generally poor quality and high prices of existing microphones. They purchased a and a and started producing about one microphone a week. Soon after, Burroughs withdrew from the business, leaving complete ownership to Kahn. By 1933, the previous business debts were completely paid off, and Electro-Voice began hiring manufacturing employees.

In 1936, twenty people were hired, and Lou Burroughs returned as chief. Electro-Voice received a 1963 for their 642 Cardiline.

Software Serial Numbers

During, EV developed the. Noise cancelling microphones such as the Electro-Voice T45 lip microphone were instrumental to fighter and bomber airplane, tank, battleship and ground troop radio communications. EV licensed the patent to the government for free to be applied by other manufacturers to produce what was needed for the war supply. In 1946, the business moved to a bigger facility in and expanded its engineering efforts. In 1948, they began successfully producing. In 1950, they started production of the first automatic. They also started to design and produce a consumer line in response to increased public interest in music listening.

In 1952, EV patented the Compound Diffraction Horn, which changed the look and performance the traditional cone-shaped. Known for its high output, the CDP was deployed by the Navy on and other high noise environments. 1978 US patent sketch of Electro-Voice constant-directivity horn. In the early 1970s, EV developed the first commercial system for four channel stereo called.

When Columbia/ and developed their Stereo system () that system become the leading matrix system and Electro-Voice adapted their decoders so they also could play SQ records as well as 's QS records. The EV system could also simulate four channel sound from two channel sources.

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